Monday, November 24, 2008

of spites and spikes.

Nearly 3 full months of hiatus. Workless days at work certainly did me in, at least enough for me to start typing random musings (some of which, will be not-so-random) at work hour.
My life isn't interesting enough for me to write about, especially on the net. No one gives a damn anyway. Those who does give a damn probably knows what I have been up to, and those who gives less damns would just settle if they know I'm doing alright.
Yet, I do need to whine, incessantly. For instance, day yesterday was awful. Minus having nothing to do and browsing the web the whole day (SURE, why the thought of being paid for doing nothing sounds awesome some may think), I went home with a crappy stomach who decide it was a good day to give me shit (no pun intended, but literally that's how it kinda ended up; two trips to and fro, whalla, happy stomach, painful shit hole). Then, my external harddisk, my sweet... sweet external harddisk took a crap so huge, it decides to commit suicide. I'm still not done with the resuscitation process yet tho. Apart from my save game datas (READ: NEVERFUCKINGWINTER NIGHTS OMFG and etc, etc), I am bracing myself for the impact of the loss of my not so huge collection but nevertheless wonderful and awesome mp3 files. The degree of reliability that technology provides is baffling at times.
Why, when I get something new, I'm amazed. Astonished at the wonderful reanimation of what the 3D tech today is capable of. Yet, when they decide to prematurely retire (They get to retire when my wallet can afford their replacements), these costly mthrfkrs just go to hell like that. *Puff*, gone with the wind, or dust. Not this time, I'm literally going to go to hell and drag their sorry asses back, er... referring to my hdd, make it vomit all my files back THEN they get to retire. I'd hammer the cover open (can't find those stupid screwdrivers they use for the screws), piss on the discs, breka them apart and toss it into a burning pyre.
So, now my boss ain't around, great. No sarcasm there, it is actually great to work in a stress free surrounding once in a while (Read: A LONG LONG WHILE).
Now I have a few agreements to run through, and of course, come up with a scheme to deter those ladies from other departments from being such (please insert derogatory remarks here). I have always been wanting to come up with something like that, but too lazy to and always not bothered to when the moment (when they piss me off) passes. Most of the time, I just dislike them, but when it does boil down to it, when they drag their hairy asses over, I wish their face would get hit by a cement truck. No, didn't mean for them to die, just the pain... oh the pain...
At any rate, stomach is acting up again. Roadside mamaks can kiss my ass until my tummy builds up an impenetrable, solid, impervous defense against any type of onslaught that would lead to ... unfavourable and unwanted effort to maintain and manage excess body waste... It still feels like pandemonium in there, I think Genesis is happening in there, er... whatever the event is where the Angels battles in heaven and God finally casts whoever down to hell. Right now, it is hell.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

1... 2... Caption!

Well, not a big deal but since i'm bored at my desk might as well utilize it to do stuffs i never usually do, aka blogging.
Either way, i find it how ordinairily fascinating to see how Digicam works nowadays, and how it has becoming more and more important in our lives. Just like cellphones we've created something and it became a habit... next thing we know it's a necessity.
Of course, those who doesn't own a cellphone yet, they can pass this off as bullshit, but for those who did own a cellphone, and is somewhat reliant on it, and for some reason or another doesn't have it anymore, they'll know what i mean.
Similarly i think the use of Digicam has become so widespread (btw just for clarification when i use the word Digicam i do mean the cameras that're capable of capturing photographs which would include cellphone with that function). Photographs was never made so easier and with new features being thrown into the package, it could be fun.
Then, digitally stored pictures now have a name of their own, aka captions. I don't remember the last time i bothered tagging captions to those old school photos (yep, those you can touch, not those you see through your monitor). not saying that those are obsolete, just it's less conventional now if one is a user for leisure. With sites like facebook and friendsters who needs a photoalbum anymore eh?
Seriously, if someone do come across this needless entry, well i do have to ask since when blogging was made necessary? I thought it'd be at least enjoyable for me to rant when i'm sitting here bored. Can you imagine yourself without a digicam? I can... I won't be bothered most likely.
FFXI News:
September update is going to be so fun. I just hope they don't nerf samurais. Speaking of which my Linkshell (Guild) should be doing more Nyzul Isle Assault runs just for the new Relics. So far levelling my Alchemy means i'm gonna have a steady Gil income in the long run, i hope i delved into the right synthesis.

With all the new additions, i can't wait. Then again at the same time it'll suck, since i'm workign right now the time i can spend on it is less than minimal. So Fred says he'll be on when i'm around, so i can go farm more to support my exorbitant daily expenses.
Also, that'd mean i get to hang out with aibbie more. I'ma drag her to farm tonight, and maybe get the Uleguerand Range map quest done, just for the sake of doing it.

It doesn't feel nice when that dark knight has it and i don't.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Time to whine! Working life sucks! 3 days into it and yes i am whining. Actually, it's just my luck. The other person sitting at the corner of the other department was reading newspapers for 4 straight hours while i crack my head trying to figure out how to say no to the amendments of the clauses.

Being away from the house naturally means i have less time to tend to my toon in ffxi, Dominus. Boy how i regret not getting more things done on him, instead of going AFK all the time clocking in those outrageously high play time. Well, perspective wise though, I have somewhat put some discipline into my 'life', sleeping early, waking up early, having less than 3 hrs per day to spend in front of the pc i like doing so much way back then. Now Dominus don't spend time in the game afk anymore, every moment he has, he's doing stuffs which i think... he should be doing.

For those who are wondering, i am Dominus.

So why do i like playing games so much, which by the way that is the question my dad keeps asking me all the time. There are many types of games out there, from racing to simulation and crap. I don't like the conventional japanese RPG as much, compared to the computer RPGS. They're different, think of Dungeons and Dragons. As much as i like the idea of beat 'em up types, they get stale really fast compared to story typed games. Real time strategy, well, it depends on the title. If it has a good background story to it, even though the game play sucks, i'd at least complete the game once, for the story sake.

That much said, I guess i like playing games, not just any games, but games that allows me to be the central part of a story. Some, likes to know the story from reading, just like how my girl likes reading harry potter. Some, likes to watch them on TV, Drama, movies and the likes. Most drama nowadays bore me, i like fantasy typed setting. Modern is just too, familiar. I like being part of a story, the kind of story that i like. At least that's how the games i play appeals to me.

Then came the concept of MMOG, abbreviation for mass multiplayer online games. Final fantasy XI came and become one of the best MMORPGs i have played. Why i liked it so much? It's not a single player's game. It's a game, driven by a story, in a setting that i liked, and i can play it with alot of other people. Think of it as a platform for people to be part of a society in a setting that is completely different from the everyday life. It gives fantasy a new meaning, one we can be part of, that I can be part of.

My toon, or my avatar, character... it may just exist within the game, but the value of having one can only be appreciated by others who shares the same interests as me, and i'm definitely not alone.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

for everything... there is...

For every hero, there will be a hundred villains. Now, hundred is just an estimate and it is not necessarily restricted to villainy only, other less fortunate events such as natural disasters (or any disasters) and . Even in politics, when the government is 'evil', our hero would be someone who fights for the citizens' rights. So I thought, the word hero is not often used, but when used it carries an overrated weight.

Save for incidents beyond our control (e.g. natural disasters), why is there a need for a hero to begin with in the first place? Since when do we need to save ourselves from each other? Yet, since the beginning of time, we have not stopped hurting each other, to the extent of killing each other for whatever reasons but always motivated selfish gains.

Humanity itself is questionable. It is beautiful, yet it is flawed to the extent where I consider to be rotten. Compare it to a girl, who has the face likened to an angel, whose looks can be the definition of innocence itself yet she sells her body for fame and wealth. This is not to say that she is by all means is evil or 'bad'. Not trying to label myself as a champion of morality, but in short I just think it's a waste. but one has got to do what he has to do, or her.

Then my thinking shifted to another train of thoughts, just like a train changing rails but more frequent. Then I thought why has our parents (probably mostly in Asia I don't know much about the west) keep on telling us when we are young and little (of course, vulnerable as well) that if we study hard (well now they say smart so I don't know) and get good grades our life is secured. My grades are not good, but they are not too bad either and I had to learn myself (through hearing stories from other people and how things are today) that being someone in life, not someone important or famous, just a person, is god damn difficult. Somehow books are the least important thing when it came to this. Why feed us with 'lies' when they know themselves how hard it is, when they could have told us what is it really like... yet, how could they? By the time they are done procrastinating, we are all grown up, stumble upon this cold hard truth ourselves and this vicious cycle goes on and on.

Almost sounds like I am some guru, actually I have too much free time on my hands, nothing more.

Here's a question, how much do you care for the people you think you care, and the stranger next to you, and yourself? How far would you go?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Fairy Tales

Just thought how things would have been if all of them would go all the way like how our parents said it would be; study hard, get good results, and you'll be successful. Unfortunately, by now we all know that's just a fairy tale. Our seniors would probably agree that in order to be successful you gotta be really good at ass kissing, and of course be street smart.

Are things really that different from the versions we heard from our parents? Were they censoring certain details to prevent us from becoming what they are afraid we would, and that we already are, already did? That's pretty much no longer an issue, considering most of us have gone an entirely different paths we have hoped for.

As for me, as time goes by I realise how dark this world can be. Despite how the sun can burn so brightly illuminating every corner of the earth, bringing along warmth, it only lights up half of it. The other dark remains dim. Sometimes, the moon is shy showing up, almost like it's given up save for a few peeps. We, through technological manipulation and means managed to reproduce light, yet they're never bright enough in the night. Shadows lurking in the corners. That's only a faint description of things. The evil that we humans harbour has manifested itself that puts the shades of night to shame. It is as though the shadows we produce every time light shone at us are merely a compensating mechanism for who we are and what we have brought upon this world.

No longer the idea of courage, chivalry, honor are heralded in its former regards and glory, or has it ever been? Nowadays, to help another out of any of the higher echelons of morality would only associate one with stupidity and foolishness. Justice is a mouth service, when human lives are given a commercial value with varying worths. What about truth? Well, truth only matters as much as we humans matter to it, if not the next most significant importance would be how truth is invaluable to history. After all, what is truth to people who does not have interests or does not stand to gain?

Are all lost? I truly doubt it, for every child is born, their face is only tainted with innocence, and all hope is poured on them that they will grow up to be everything we're not, or if you think you're good enough, for what you could've been; better, even when we realise that the prospect of it all ending the way we hope it would is slim bordering to none. We might have not have anticipated it anyway.

Enough rant, song of the moment: See U Again by ATB.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

FFXI: Vunkerl's Trudge

Here I am in Vunkerl Inlet, killing gnoles by the hundreds only to get a perfect claw. Why? All because of this stupid moblin (yeap, a different kind of goblin) wants it in exchange of an item that the Senator requested me to retrieve.

I swear these gnoles are an annoying bunch. They can cure themselves to full, (yep i had to pick the worst moon phase to fight them, Full Moon :1.9-1.99k Cure) things are starting to get boring. I might just head back and help Noillurie out, killing those beastmen and what not.

Vana'diel is not very interesting today, as you can tell from my earlier remarks. The Japanese are busy doing their end game stuffs (no i couldn't join, i don't understand what the frick they are spouting) and the Americans are still asleep. Europeans are weird, and Fred (European, too) wouldn't get his connection fixed.

Everyone's busy with something, and I'm busy with something boring. Here comes another Gnole.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Bolts and Thunderclap

To those who lives in the capital of Malaysia, this ain't something new. Especially since the past few days, thunderstorm became a norm.

When lightning strikes and the thunder is heard immediately, you know it's near. Truly awe inspiring and at the same time devastating. Shock and awe (no pun intended) is aptly used to describe this frequent and destructive phenomenon.

No, this isn't a post on the dynamics one of the oldest weather activity on earth. It just occurred to me that I should talk bout it for a few since it's been going on for a while. It is a hassle whenever it happens because i gotta pull the god damn plug. Internet, games, music and all sorts of electronic and digital entertainment = nada.

Minus the complaints and rants (i shouldn't be emo at 7pm of the day), I should probably spend the time to think of what to do next, because even as I'm updating the blog I'm feeling bored as hell. FFxi is lackluster at this hour because the Americans are asleep and they wouldn't wake up until 5 hours later (yeap they wake up at noon) and i can't play with Japanese simply because I don't understand the language they speak.

... Now I just reminded myself of the coming exams in July, my 'final' push in this life to allow myself to set foot in the working society, no i'm not very enthusiastic about it. I should probably be studying, 'should probably' here should have been 'must'.

Every year is the same shit, and I probably have to deal with more shit, and eventually to handle other people's shit (that'd be part of my career) until I decide to quit or I die. Now that isn't very nice. As my friend once said "i aim to retire by 30". God I hope I could too.

My friend called me an alien after this new haircut (i only assumed it's the hair). Sweet, now i look out of this world.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Reviews and Rants

Love how short goodbyes are, if you're wondering what i'm talking bout, refer to my previous post. I'm blogging from the very piece of technological device i loathe.

Anyway, just came back from BTS after watching this chinese movie, resurrection of the dragon, a spin off (sorta) of the famed Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I'm not gonna reveal any spoilers here, save that the movie isn't based on the literature piece at all. Certain events, yes but even those are downplayed. Most of them are made up. God knows why they'd want to ruin such a nice tale, that is beyond me. I know i felt kinda dumb for buying the ticket. Maggie Q didn't make it worth my time since i don't have hots for her, the only thing I feel glad would be the opening theme, which doesn't fit the Three Kingdom background at all.

Save for a few 'touching' scenes, the entire movie is crap. Every scene is rushing from one to the other. My, I'd think that if the viewers do not have certain basic grasp of the Three Kingdom storyline, they'd be lost somewhere in the show. This is basically an action war movie, yet the actions are a major disappointment. Choreography sucks, it's actually chaos and senseless blood spilling. I was half expecting flying limbs, severed head (sorry if this appears to be grotesque, I was only banking on the fact that at least the movie would stay true to the action scenes as pictured in the novel). Blood were spilling and i was wondering where is it from. Bodies are thrown all over but I seriously do not know why, just for the sake of flying bodies yep.

If you've watched all the movies out there and want to spend whatever coin's left in your pocket, by all means go for it. I wouldn't recommend it, not after I've watched another better Chinese war movie, pseudo war actually. Assembly beats this movie hands down.

They've ruined my favorite character from the Three Kingdoms series, I hate them.

Friday, April 4, 2008

O w n e d

*title* big time. Laptop decided it was a good time to go into shock, again. Several resuscitation attempt to revive it failed miserably. Had to call in the pro, the experts in this sorta dealings to help me look at it.

Initially, it all seemed fine. The blue screen of death (first BSoD that is) appeared and I was kinda shocked. Previously, whenever my laptop displays any near death signs, or eventually died, I could bring it back to life simply by just giving it some time to breathe. When the death screen appeared, I quickly looked up the net for those DIY solutions, home made remedies. Somehow i came across what they call it, the Window's debugging tool, downloaded it and did whatever i was supposed to. Post the log of what took place to the pro, a friend of mine in the States who was kind enough to assist, and told me that it looked like some network driver problem. Fixed that, and went back to FFxi happily.

I thought that's the end of my laptop's death threats. No more crashes, freezes, all in all, end of most of my frustrations. So, as I was standing beside my latest favourite NPC, the relic GK wielding Elvaan, Noilurie, pounding on the wolves (she got wtfpwnt later by the boss tho), my laptop did it again. This time, it was conveniently after Noi's untimely yet expected demise to Anders, I was raised shortly after Anders beat me to within an inch of my cyber life. Ok, so it died, the same blue screen popped up. I waited for it to restart and then starts running the debug tool again, then it popped the death screen, restarting straight away.

Friend told me I can do a recovery of the C drive with the internal partition by Alt + F10, that got my hopes up. I was disappointed when I found out that Acer did not supply me with a recovery CD for times like this, when I decide to go for a wipe and build things back from scratch. So I, with much anticipation, hit the power button and spam the two designated keyboard button, only to end up in ScanDisk. I thought this was normal procedure, so I let it scan and when it was done, I thought "ooo shit now i can finally say goodbye to all this crap", and I did. Only, not in the way I had hope it would be. Alt + F10 = Nada. Turns out, it's either they forgot to load it back for me the last time I sent it for repair (yea, major re-offender my laptop is), it's broken, or it's just a myth written in the User's Guide and therefore it is non existent.

That was the last straw, although I kept clinging on to whatever faith I have left, like an AIDS patient saying "I'M GONNA LIVE! I WON'T FKN DIE!" when the doctors starts shaking their head while looking at me, giving me the looks that says "nothing we can do for this loser now". Whatever faith that was left, has left me when my laptop is hell bent on dying. It reboots itself, and the screen goes blank. No words, no lights, no nothing. Tapped the few power button twice, the fan runs, I could hear electronics buzzing, but no light. It's like a brain dead person, the heart runs but the brain is out. This ain't the first time it became 'brain dead', but I suspect it would be the last time. As it turns out, I'm not too keen to use that piece of metal trash again, and my guts tells me that it would have wished for the same as well.

Nice knowing you, Acer Aspire 5673, my 4999 bucks, my 2 years of nothing that works right, broken fan, broken harddisk, dead pixels, broken wifi although i got most of those major organs rep'ed. Rest in peace, soon in pieces, and sleep with the fishes.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Post!

Here's a new post to a blog that no one ever reads. I wonder why do I even bother at times.

At any rate, the latest buzz in malaysia would be the coming election. To be honest i'm not really interested, so i'm gonna leave it there.

Just got my hands on Van Tomiko's latest album, pretty neat stuff actually. It saved me from the seasonal 'running out of music to listen' crap. So far, i'm only into track 5 (as I'm typing this, yes). Would i recommend it to anyone? No, not when you're not a jpop fan, but otherwise, yea.

Final Fantasy 11 wise, i've been on Kujata server for a few years. Exactly how many years I don't know, but i have a 379 days play time recorded on the game. No, that doesn't mean i spend that much time on it. I just leave it on whenever i go out for class, sleep or whatever that is i do that is not related to the game. It's been fun, and it still is for me. Met all kinds of people, nice ones, sad ones, boastful ones, modest ones, stupid ones and smart ones. Why do I indulge in this is probably my fascination for a fantasy world. To be able to wield big mean looking machete and hacking it on a poor monster's face, be it cute or ugly. At the same time I dont' have to face the physical repercussions of being mauled to death horribly by... say a 3 storeys tall pelican. It's kinda ironic. It's not as though i hate the real world or dislike it. in fact my life has been alright thus far. If you wanna lay it in terms of what a normal youth would've done in their early 20s then i'd probably fail by a million miles. I just happen to have a different likes and dislikes.

Yea you're probably right, i'm just saying these to make myself feel better for who I am not and could've been. Then again, while someone's spouting all those negative remarks behind my back (if there's anyone at all, i don't think someone'd give a damn bout me living my life :P) I'm living comfortably in my own home.

Monday, February 11, 2008


So, being confronted with nudity on the big screen is disturbing, floating naked bodies are disturbing, rib cages are disturbing. They certainly don't affect me to say the least. A movie, is a movie, is a movie. When guys are discussing the actress' pubic hair and you feel uncomfortable, shame on you for eavesdropping. Would you like to know what your neighbour is up to at night as well? It would probably make me cringe as well. And guys, please learn to be discrete. I've not watched Babel btw. Movie nudity (soft porn?) is nothing new. Yet in many places it remains a taboo, pretty much like Pre-marital sex. Some of us thinks sex before marriage is a crime punishable by death, some of us indulged in the very same act, and enjoys it (woot!). It really depends on how the individual perceives things; to each his own. I'm not gonna argue for or against this, but if someone's gonna bring forth the argument of 'unwanted pregnancies', such tragedies do not belong exclusively for the unmarried couples. What of the children growing up in a dysfunctional family, say a divorced family? Does that make a child's growing up less tragic? It's an irony, really.

I personally think, that the Censorship Board is a joke, and my point will be proven when the latest Rambo movie gets aired somewhere in the local tv networks or in astro 6 months later. Quoting from Nik Shazwan's letter to the Star on 12 Feb 2008 "All nations rate movies to protect the public", I hate to break your bubbles, but that kinda protection only lasts until the tv networks are rich enough to air them, which may take 6months to a few years. I am not gonna cry or demand for an explanation for this to happen because i know whatever the answer is i'm gonna end up laughing, besides, i'm just pointing out what's happening.

The ratings don't affect me, all the movies are all the same to me; a movie is a movie is a movie. Although i must admit sometimes there should be ratings like "Warning: Corny Love Scenes!" and should be limited to those who are hopelessly romantic. Those make me cringe, yet it doesn't make me cringe enough to scream "Wow that is just wrong we shouldn't have this". On a personal point of view, it's something i'd go "eew" and i know i don't speak for the majority or the person next to me. It's simple, really. If you fail to grasp the severity of the damage that occurs to me, just think of stuffs that'd make you go "Eew" say for example, someone got their guts ripped off and blood is oozing everywhere.

I'd like to think i have the autonomy of telling what's fake and what's real, no matter how close to being real the scene is, and also the autonomy over my brothers (who are age 13 and 16 respectively) to tell them what is and what is not. Should they point out something that relates to morality, I'll answer them according to my own morality. Rest assured, what i have to say will not send them running amok with machine guns blazing in one hand and explosives in the other crying for freedom or demanding valuables. As a matter of fact, I like to watch all the gory and bloody details in a movie, how real they can get. My response would be "Ouch, that is so real" and that's it. I have no intentions of trying it out on a living person. Similarly, it explains my disappointment over Sweeney Todd's blood, it's fake that is resembles wax. The censors is uncalled for in that movie, then again, so is most of the censorship done to most movies imho.

That's where you video game haters come in. No, Video games or computer games or whatever games for that matter, turns people into violent individuals. At least those are involved in those tragic US schools shoot outs aren't indulged in violent video games, but real life issues rather. I for one, admire the quality and the authenticity of what technology has to offer to date, to portray what is unreal into something as real as it can get. And to your blessings, I am still able to retain whatever sanity i have left to differentiate a game over reality. A game is where you can get shot by rockets and don't die, and reality is when you get shot by a rocket and you're lucky if they can find your head intact (you won't be alive, sad to say). To some extent, gaming is good, I drink less because i fill my time with it (:D), and i save myself from the unnecessary dramas of other's people's lives. My youngest brother likes to cheats so much in his game he became one of the fastest typer in his class at the age of 12 (school held some typing competition, yeah lame i know). At least i know he can type a letter faster and more accurately than most.

"So this guy plays game and has no life", yea nothing to see here move along. Couldn't care less if i come across as an antisocial, weirdo or whatever negative remarks i deserve. I am happy, my social life isn't upside down (not much to begin with), my family is good, a caring father who earns enough for his children to spend (so quit whining all you haters :D, and my mom died a few years back if you're wondering where is she). My girl loves me more than herself (i think)... i think i've made my point; that i'm alright with my life (not necessarily contented tho).

One more thing, reality tv is shit. If you want drama, look at your surrounding crowds, friends or within your family for that matter.

So, i'm bout done typing. As much as a joke the censorship board i think it is, it is nevertheless necessary simply because we are humans, individuals; the perks of a democratic country. There is a need for balance, and in this case, i'm just a minority (one who appreciates the artistic nature and the effort put in to create the realistic effects of a movie) because my rights are outweighed by the majorities whom, the government believes that they need to protected because they have the capacity to be frightened, horrified and potentially emotionally scarred for the rest of their lives over some visuals shown in the big screen. If i hugged my little brother throughout a horror flick, which can be pretty horrifying to the young, I doubt he'd be as terrified because i'm doing my part at telling him "a movie, is a movie, is a movie." Don't try this though if you're gonna piss in your own pants being scared watching something like that even when you're 30 years old.

So, thank you because i cannot bring my brothers to watch Rambo (Seriously, there was one day [just a few days back] when i was browsing for some movies to watch with my siblings, and the movies available are all 18SX,SG,PL or whatever it is and the only U was cuci [i think] and some other lame shit) unless i patronise the illegal dvd peddlers for movie with craptastic video and audio that makes my subwoofer sounds like one of my home theatre surround sound satellites.

Friday, February 8, 2008


I found a really nice tune earlier today, and am looping it ever since. It's a good track, by a Mongolian band called Haya. Too bad they didn't feature the vocal as they did in the tv. She's awesome.

It's the same track that got me into this writing mood, and various other things. It starts off slowly, calmly and harmoniously. It feels sad, and in the midst of all this sadness, there's an ordinairy mood to it. The track itself is extraordinairy though, it's just the environment it creates. It reminds me of life somewhat. When the pace starts to pick up, it doesn't stray from the main theme. This... tune is as if it is an unspoken story. It ends in the same way it began, with the same sense of simplicity, the faint sense of sadness, and always with the reminder that in the midst of such sadness, things are not all that bad.

Try it out yourself. It's called "Snow Mountain" in Chinese.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Stone Age

Beginning to love that word alot, stone age hah. Been up to nothing lately, but what is new, i've been up to nothing for as long as i've lived. Whenever i'm up to something it's always out of obligation.

Stupid laptop of mine died again and i'm gonna let things stay that way. Dad and brother are pressing me to go get it fixed, what's the point of fixing something that will break in a month? Of course, i have to pay for it on top of that and i doubt it'd last another month if i bring it back. The timeline would be something like "Send it to fix, 2 days for them to diagnose the problem, 3 weeks to fix the problem, return the laptop to me on the 4th week because i rushed them to do so since letting them own my laptop isn't gonna help curb the boredom, sent the laptop for repairs again on the second day after getting it back because it's still broken."

Enough ranting, chinese new year is around the corner and i have a good idea of how much i'm gonna get for my ang pau this time. Since i didn't get any the previous round i think i should be entitled for some reimbursement.

In other news, newspapers are boring.